Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We got our travel authorization yesterday!!!!! We're still waiting to hear about our consulate date, but hopefully we'll hear either tomorrow or Thursday. Once we have that, we can plan out the dates we'll be traveeling. We're getting so close!!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

New pictures and an update!

We were finally able to get an update and new pictures on Benjamin!  According to the update, he's been doing well this winter, and growing taller.  We got lots of info about things he likes - playing outside, toy cars, and such, so he will have a great time playing with Christopher.  Apparently the one thing he's afraid of is dogs.  We'll just pretend that JackJack is a rug.  It's not much of a stretch of the imagination...... :)

We're now waiting on our travel approval (TA) from China.  If we get it in the same timeframe that everyone else is getting theirs, it should come in early next week.  Then we can finally start planning out our travel dates and such.

So, here's the part everyone actually wants to see :)

I swear, when we get home, he will never see the color pink again.  In every picture we have of him, he's wearing something pink!